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College Application Essays:

페이지 정보

20-05-20 17:43


There is a great temptation when preparing your college applications to have them written for you by someone else, maybe someone at a hakwon, maybe your older brother or sister. However, remember this: colleges and universities accept college applications and application essays written in English. Parents of those American applicants are fluent in English and have even ...gone to very exclusive universities themselves. Colleges and universities in the US have had no lack of applicants having their essays ghost-written by their parents, either because the applicants were too freaked out or because the parents were too pushy. Colleges and universities in the US have had much practice with this scenario and they can spot such falsehood. Do not compromise your future and your promise to an easy way out. Get help, yes, but don't have someone do the essays for you, either outright or in massive rewrite of your essay. There is a sweetness to a heart-felt essay that no professional hand can achieve about a stranger and a stranger's thinking. Be patient, and the essay idea will come.