게시판 section

Aug. 27th 2022 SAT Update!!

페이지 정보

22-09-07 08:34



Aug. 27th 2022 SAT Update!!

- For the US & Korea: Math (Sec 3, 4) & Grammar (Sec 2) were ordinary but a Reading passage each (Sec 1) was unusually difficult, we're learning from student feedback!

For the US region test: Comparison between lecturing and conducting
For the Korean region test: Moby Dick

Prepare for the upcoming October SAT Reading passages with our star instructors, 15 years of experience!

- Multiple years of accumulated experience (min 15 years) in test analysis for high scores!
- Specialists in GRE, SAT, SSAT, ACT
1) Ji Young Hwang
2) Soo Hwa Park
3) Yoon Soo Park
4) Steven Huh (analysis of error patterns for the SAT verbal section for 600+ scoring students to take to near 800)

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www.onlinesteven.com (VOD = $99)